5 Ways Solar Positively Impacts the Environment


Reduced energy costs are frequently brought up in discussions about solar panels’ advantages, but what about how solar energy affects the environment? 

The decision to go solar can be made for a variety of reasons, ranging from cheaper electricity costs to independence from the grid. But the advantages of solar energy for the environment are equally, if not more, compelling. 

Solar panels can be a great way to help create a cleaner, more sustainable future, especially here in Arizona where a sizable amount of the energy is produced by nuclear, natural gas, and coal power plants.  

METRO SOLAR is more than willing to assist you in making a confident and informed decision if you’re thinking of installing solar panels on your house or place of business. 

Today, we’ll address one of the frequently asked questions: how does solar energy impact the environment? 

How Do Solar Panels Help the Environment? 

The majority of people are aware that solar energy is a more environmentally friendly energy option than other, more conventional sources. However, how precisely do solar panels benefit the environment? Let’s examine five green benefits that can significantly affect the environment. 

1. Solar Energy Is A 100% Renewable Energy Source. 

Since fossil fuels are not renewable, their supply will eventually deplete. Solar energy, on the other hand, derives from the sun’s free and abundant rays. Every day when the sun rises and shines, solar power replenishes itself as a renewable energy source. 

Instead of using the expensive and damaging methods required to extract coal and natural gas, which are becoming increasingly scarce, we can progress toward a future where we may rely on the sun, which is an incredibly reliable and sn abundant source of energy. 

2. Using Solar Energy to Make Electricity Produces No Harmful Pollutants. 

Before the development of solar technology, our options were mainly restricted to fossil fuels. 

Fossil fuels, such as coal and natural gas, are extremely expensive to produce and their exploitation involves several environmental harms. 

When it comes to producing energy, burning fossil fuels results in the release of numerous dangerous air pollutants, including carbon dioxide. 

However, there are no contaminants or carbon dioxide emissions to be concerned about while using solar energy. 

According to studies, if we can increase the usage of solar energy, nitrous oxide, sulfur dioxide, and particulate matter emissions will be drastically reduced. 

There will be fewer instances of respiratory and cardiovascular health issues as a result. Consequently, both the environment and public health benefit. 

3. Solar Energy Directly Decreases Greenhouse Gas Emissions. 

In our atmosphere, greenhouse gases are created and released by the burning of fossil fuels. 

The main cause of climate change, which already has an effect on public health, natural disasters, and many other facets of our life, is greenhouse gases. 

Every region of the world is being impacted by rising global temperatures, which is resulting in an increasingly dangerous scenario. 

The impact of installing solar panels on just one home is astounding: it is equivalent to planting around 150 trees annually. 

4. Solar Energy Reduces Water Pollution. 

Have you heard that switching to solar power can help keep our water cleaner? 

All manufacturing processes need water, but some require far less than others. 

Overall, the amount of water required to create solar panels and produce solar energy is much less than that required by conventional energy sources (coal, natural gas, and nuclear energy). 

Almost no risk of accidental or intentional pollution is also present for water resources. 

Although oil spills have been known to wipe out entire ecosystems, solar energy does not pose the same risks. 

5. Increased Awareness About Solar Energy Can Spur Major Progress. 

Many people learn about solar energy for the first time from friends or family members, and even the most straightforward interactions can spur change. 

Whether or not you realize it, choosing to go solar can have a good ripple effect. 

You’ve done more than your share for the environment if even one of your neighbors sees your solar panels when they pass by your house and decides to switch over themselves. 

Learn More About the Benefits of Solar Installation from METRO SOLAR 

Considering your options and choices for solar energy? 

Whatever way you look at it, solar power has a ton of benefits for both you and the environment. 

For more information about why solar can be the right move for your home or business, Call us at 281-916-4244 or Contact us today!