Repair, Cleaning & Maintenance of
Solar Panel Power Systems

Get The Maximum Return On Your Solar Investment & Extend The Life-Time Performance

Should any problems arise, METRO Solar Panels offers maintenance and repair services to its clients. The average lifetime of our solar equipment is 25 years, and it is all the best in its field.

You can help ensure optimal solar power output and solar battery storage performance and efficiency by managing and maintaining your system.

Didn’t Go with METRO Solar the First Time? No Problem!

We also offer these repair and maintenance services to homeowners that did not go solar with METRO Solar. Some solar firms come and go, leaving vulnerable homeowners with nowhere to turn for assistance.

We can assist you even if we did not install your system!

Solar panels are a sophisticated system of electrical components that must be constantly exposed to weather factors.

This means that dirt will accumulate on your panels as a result of moss buildup, pollution, scaling, tree debris, and other factors. These issues must be solved for your solar panels to perform properly and to maximize your investment.

Most Common Problems Impacting Solar Panel Power Generation

  • Delamination and internal corrosion. If moisture finds its way into the panel, it can cause internal corrosion.
  • Electrical issues. Faulty wiring prevents your solar panels from performing well.
  • Micro-cracks. Leads to lower efficiency and higher repair costs down the line.
  • Roof issues. Weakening roof construction can cause extensive3 potential damage during extreme weather conditions.
  • Hot spots. Lowers solar performance
  • Potential Induced Degradation (PID) effect.
  • Effect of birds, snails, and other critters that reduces solar performance

Residential Solar Panel Repair and Maintenance In Houston, Texas

Despite being incredibly robust and often lasting for many years, it is critical to monitor and maintain your solar panels regularly.

This can be done by a METRO Solar professional and qualified solar panel repair expert.

Solar maintenance is therefore critical to ensuring optimal return on investment and keeping your solar system at peak efficiency.

This means that properly cared-for solar panels will last for decades.

Some of The Solar Panel Repair, Cleaning & Maintenance Services That We Offer:

Solar Panel Power System Inspection Services

Our highly experienced solar professionals will evaluate and test every component of your solar system before providing a comprehensive report and analysis. They are useful whether moving into a new solar-powered home or selling your solar-powered home.

Our professionals can also advise you on whether to replace existing systems or buy new ones. They will perform a thorough assessment and assist you in making the best decision.

Solar Panel Cleaning and Removal Services

Dirt will accumulate on your panels because of moss growth, pollution, scaling, tree debris, and other factors. Our technicians use only filtered water in our pressure washers.

This guarantees that your panels are cleaned swiftly and efficiently.

To achieve maximum output, your system should be cleaned three to four times each year.

Our solar technicians can also perform a visual assessment to guarantee that no birds or other objects are obstructing your system.

Homeowners may need to remove their solar system if they are repairing their old roofs or performing other home renovation projects.

Our solar experts will assist you in the removal, replacement, and installation of new panels as soon as possible.

Inspection Of The Main Interconnection Breaker And Inverter Removal

The breaker protects against overcurrent. For your safety, circuit breakers are the most important electrical components in your home. The same is true for your solar panel setup. They keep excess electricity from flowing through the system and causing a short circuit. This can result in an electrical fire, which can be fatal.

Our technicians evaluate the interconnection breaker for damage, incorrect model use, and wear and tear. In contrast, the inverter converts direct current (DC) into alternative current (AC), which is used in your home.

It is impossible to use any of the energy generated without the inverter, therefore it is an essential component of the complete system. If it encounters any problems, you may receive little to no power.

That is why we strive to thoroughly evaluate the connection between the inverter, the solar panels, and the leading service to ensure you get the most out of your investment. It is also cleaned to maintain top performance.

Solar Power Inverter Replacement

Solar Power Inverters are the most common point of failure in a solar panel array and one of the most important components.

We can assist you if you are unable to contact your original installer and require an inverter replacement.

We can assist you in submitting a warranty claim to the manufacturer and installing your replacement. We can get you back up and running so that your investment can start working for you again.

Analysis Of Solar Power System Compliance with Current Fire And Building Code

To keep homeowners safe, the government and fire departments create fire codes. Solar panels are safe to utilize in your home when placed properly. Solar panels, on the other hand, can obstruct the ventilation system in the event of a fire if they are not up to code.

Fire codes also aid in restricting the position of wire systems, particularly those carrying direct current, lowering the risk of an electrical fire.

Unprofessional and untrained installers may install your system without following safety codes, placing your property in danger. We extensively inspect your solar power system and notify you of any deficiencies.

If you need solar panel repair, cleaning, or maintenance service call METRO Solar and get a qualified, experienced, reliable, and affordable solar panel repair technician. Call us at 281-916-4244 and we will be glad to help you out. 

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